Why Auditing?

Image of a hand on a calculator under the title 'Why You Need a UPS/FedEx Small Parcel Invoice Audit', emphasizing the importance of conducting thorough audits to optimize shipping costs in logistics operations.

Why you need a UPS/FedEx Small Parcel Invoice Audit

FACT – There are overcharges, mistakes, and or late delivered packages on many UPS and FedEx invoices, 52 weeks per year. There is a significant amount of money to be saved, and small parcel audits get your money back to you.Unfortunately, most companies do not have the employees, the time, or the expertise to audit these UPS invoices and FedEx invoices internally. What shippers typically do is “spot check” their invoices. This isn’t efficient.

LJM Group has the software, personnel, and industry knowledge to thoroughly audit these parcel invoices and get your money back to your company, every week. Our software and our professional parcel freight auditors also examine your Carrier contracts to help with FedEx and UPS rate and contract negotiations. We provide the most comprehensive line-item audit in the industry.

LJM Finds Invoice Errors and Overcharges

Benefits of Parcel Auditing:

  • Comprehensive cost savings. Auditing savings are typically 2%-6% weekly and contract negotiation savings are typically 10%-25%
  • Clients can focus on their core competency while enjoying maximum profitability
  • Detailed reports pertaining to all areas of shipping activity deliver useful data metrics for analysis to better manage your shipping spend and your logistics

How LJM Works:

  • We begin with an understanding of clients’ shipping characteristics and profile, so that we can better realize the priorities and challenges.
  • We work strictly on a contingency basis. Our only compensation is a percentage of the refunds we get for you through the invoice auditing process.
  • There is no obligation. We do not require you to sign a contract. You can discontinue our services anytime you wish.
  • You have absolutely nothing to lose! Worst case scenario, through our efforts, you find that your packages are getting delivered on time, every time and your Carrier is billing you 100% accurately and you owe us nothing.
  • It is your money; let us help you get it back. Remember, there is virtually no work for you to do. We perform the invoice audits, find the errors and overcharges, have the Carriers credit your invoice and educate you on Carrier contract rate negotiations.

Reach the LJM Group Experts Today 631.844.9500

© 2025 LJM Group - Small Parcel, FedEx & UPS Invoice Auditing, Contract Negotiating & Consulting • 312 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735