Reporting & Analytics Tool

Remember, You Can't Manage What You Can't Measure...

Web-based Reporting &
Analytics Tool

The LJM web-based Reporting & Analytics platform offers our clients visibility and transparency into their Carrier data to effectively manage their shipping costs and make data driven decisions. With dynamic and interactive graphs and reports, clients can identify and analyze wasteful spending within their processes. Subsequently, LJM will optimize your Carrier Agreement, providing a better delivery experience  for your customers. Leverage the power of your data to become a smarter and more efficient shipper NOW.

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Two men looking at a screen displaying a map of the U.S., illustrating LJM Group's focus on nationwide logistics operations and planning.

You Don’t Know What
You Don’t Know…

The information we provide can be as valuable as the refunds we recover. By knowing more about your shipping practices and package characteristics, clients are better able to reduce rates and improve their bottom line.

GEO(graphical) Heat Map

Provides the shipper with a Heat Map so they can monitor their shipping behavior domestically and internationally and visualize where they are shipping to and from. The darker the color, the higher density of packages are being shipped to that specific region.

Cost Optimization Reporting

Reporting designed to identify process improvement opportunities; thus driving cost reductions while refining your overall shipping operation.

Items like misuse of Third-Party Accounts, incorrect delivery addresses, and late payments of Carrier invoices may be noted.

Compare Analysis

You can even see a Compare Analysis, which offers a high-level comparison between two Carriers for any specific invoice period.

Zone Distribution Reports

Provides a detailed view of your package distribution by service level, zone, and billed weight.

Executive Management Reports

Provides an overview of a shippers profile using key metrics, enabling monitoring of your data, thus enabling informed business-related decisions and forecasts. Available to view annually, monthly, or weekly.


Provides a high-level overview with visibility into your shipping profile. Easily review month-over-month spend and package trends, service mix, weight distribution, zone distribution, top accessorial surcharges, and many more detailed drill-downs.

Top 10 Carrier Charges

Top 10 Carrier charges by service and by accessorial surcharges.

Charge Description

Tab provides a detailed summary of a shippers transportation and accessorial costs for any specific invoice period and account(s).

Shipment Detail Search

Allows shippers to search and view package-level details for a specific tracking number, receiver zip code, shipment reference information, or shipper/receiver information.

Our Reports

We provide an array of reports for UPS, FedEx, OnTrac, DHL, and USPS

Executive Management Report

A high-Level look at trends in spending and correlation between grouped services, averages, looking at Freight Only, Accessorials Only, Including and Excluding Fuel.

Charge Description Summary

Detailed summary of all Service Charges in hierarchy of Freight and Accessorial. Details include, Net Charges, Number of Packages, Average Cost, Cost Per Weight (lbs or kg), Total Rated Weight, Percentage of Spend, Average Weight, Gross Charges, Average Zone and Average Discount.

Accounts Summary Report

Overall summary by account for a selected reporting period, Number of Shipments, Total Billed Weight, Net Amount (Freight Only), Net Amount (Freight and Accessorial), Average Cost per Shipment (Freight Only), Average Cost per Shipment (Freight and Accessorial)

Additional Handling – Large Package - Over the Max Report

Provides a summary page of Additional Handling, Large Package, Over the Max (UPS) or Oversize Unauthorized Surcharges. Each subsequent tab provides shipping details of each charge.

Address Corrections

This report provides detailed information about shipments that received an address correction. The original (“wrong”) address and the corrected address are provided for each shipment. The wrong address is in red.

Chargeback Listing

This report provides information about shipped packages but were intended to be billed to the receiver or a third-party. The payer refused charges or an invalid or suspended account number was given; UPS has rebilled your account number.

Carrier Late Payment Fee Report

Summary and details of Late Payment fees from Carrier Invoices.

Missing PLD Fee Report

Provides details and summary of packages that incurred a missing package level detail fee.

DIM Factor

Using actual shipping data, this report provides weight adjustment calculations should a by a series of DIM divisors.

Home Delivery/ Ground DAS Charge Report

View and compare all Delivery Area Surcharges for FedEx Ground, FedEx Home Delivery and FedEx Ground (Shipped to Residential Addresses). (Assists in identifying the most optimal method of shipment).

Home Delivery/ Ground Residential Charge Report

View and compare all FedEx Residential Surcharges for FedEx Home Delivery vs. FedEx Ground packages (Assists in identifying the most optimal method of shipment).

Invoice Summary

This report is a summary of invoices for a selected timeframe or date range. This will include the discount percentages from the published rates as well.

Invoice Data/ Invoice Raw Data/ Adjusted

Pulls all your carrier invoice data and includes calculation to determine the details of your incentives.

Non-Standard Charges (SurePost) Report

Identifies packages that incurred an additional charge that did not fit into the current SurePost weight and measurement criteria.

Accessorial Details Report

Provides all shipping details to help identify Accessorial charges.

Accessorial Summary Report

Provides a summary of Accessorial charges.

Average Discount Report

Provides average discount by Service, Zone and Weight.

GSR Credit Listing

Listing of packages for which a Guaranteed Service Refund was issued.

Box Size Report

Tallies and provides package count of box sizes from a selected reporting period by Dimensional Length, Width, Height, Cubic Inches, Net Charge (Freight Only) and Total Net Charge.

Invalid Account Number Report

Provides shipping details of fees applied if the shipper does not provide a valid or accurate FedEx account number or credit card number for the billing option selected.

SCC Audit Fees

Provides Shipping Charge Correction Audit Fees as identified on Carrier invoices.

Shipping Charge Corrections & SCC Audit Fees

Provides all Shipping Charge Correction Fees and Audit Fees as identified on Carrier invoices.

Zone Distribution by Service and Weight/ DHL Avg Cost by Zone

This report is primarily used by shippers in the United States. It gives you the ability to see how your shipments are distributed across zones and also provides visibility into which services you use to each zone.

Annual Report

High-level summary report, providing summary for a variety of metrics for analysis

Freight Zero Discount Report

Provides all freight shipments that receive a zero discount.

Fuel Surcharge Detail Report

Offers a detailed list and summary by Service of Total Shipments and Total Fuel Surcharge Spend.

Peak Surcharge Report

Detailed report of packages that incurred a Peak Surcharge.

Service by State Distribution Report

Provides a package count and spend by state with an additional tab of your package counts and spends by county.

State Distribution Detailed Report / DHL Avg Cost by State

Provides a package count, total billed weight, average billed weight, total freight costs, average freight costs per shipment, total shipment costs and average cost per shipment by state.

Accounts Summary Report

Overall summary by account for selected reporting period, Number of Shipments, Total Billed Weight, Net Amount (Freight Only), Net Amount (Freight and Accessorial), Average Cost per Shipment (Freight Only), Average Cost per Shipment (Freight and Accessorial).

Adjustment Detail Report

This report provides in-depth detail of all adjustments from your invoice. Whether the adjustment is a negative or positive, credit or debit. Full visibility for each is demonstrated. The functionality of Crystal Reports allows you to drill down on each adjustment type individually for a better look.

Daily Freight Activity Report

Summary of Total Package Count, Total Next Amount, Total Incentives, by Transaction Date, for each Freight Service.

Discount Service Reports

Provides average discount by Service, Zone and Weight.

DTP/ DFC Added

Invoice details of packages shipped Third Part and Freight Collect that incurred added charges billed back to your account.

Freight Collect and Third-Party Billing Report

Provides shipping details for Freight Collect Service with Third-Party Billing.

Insurance Detail – Declare Value

Pulls the shipping details of Declared Value shipment.

Multiple Package Report

Provides shipment details of multiple packages with summary.

Returns Report

This report shows the shipment that was returned from recipient back to shipper. Reasons can include order inaccuracy, customer dissatisfaction, diagnostics and repair, damage, or return of goods into inventory.

Service Charge Report

Provides Carrier Service Charges with total Invoice and delta to assist in identifying account numbers that are no longer used and trimming down unnecessary spend.

Third Party Billing Service Report

Look at the shipping details of Third Partys using your Carrier account number.

Trend Report

Look at your trends of a variety of metrics, by service with an overall summary sheet.

Undeliverable Returns Report


Weight Adjustment Listing

This report provides detailed information about packages that received a dimensional correction. The original weight and the billed weight are provided for each package.

Weight Difference Listing

Provides details of difference between Entered Weight and Billed Weight.

Consulting Services
Icon of a pencil writing on a piece of paper, signifying documentation or note-taking processes in the context of LJM Group's operations.
Contract Negotiation

Our expert contract analysis, combined with unmatched benchmarking and forward-thinking long-term strategies ensure you successful rate negotiations.

Icon of a rising graph, representing growth or improvement, commonly associated with LJM Group's efforts in enhancing logistics efficiency and reducing costs.
TruCost Reporting

Gain insight, and overcome hidden costs, through our analysis of all accessorial fees that the Carriers may charge after delivery to verify final, accurate shipping costs.

Parcel Invoice Audit
Parcel Invoice Audits

Line-item auditing of every small parcel shipping invoice to expose mistakes, overcharges, and late deliveries in order to recover unwarranted costs.

Contact the Parcel Contract Negotiating Experts 631.844.9500

© 2025 LJM Group - Small Parcel, FedEx & UPS Invoice Auditing, Contract Negotiating & Consulting • 312 Conklin Street, Farmingdale, NY 11735